
Săptămâna trecută am urmărit fashion show-ul Kasta Morrely,care a reunit mai mulți designeri străini dar și autohtoni într-un show inedit.Am îndrăgit mult unele colecții,altele mai puțin.Locația a fost absolut superbă,invitați unul și unul.Per general am rămas satisfăcută de tot,bravo organizatorilor pentru inițiativă și munca depusă.Cred că acest proiect va înflori pe an ce va trece dacă tot se va lucra cu atîta dăruire.

So guys as you know,last week I attended my first ever fashion show in Romania.I must say that I was impressed by the location,guests,models,designers and some collections.Because some were splendid but some like I "made the collection just to become a designer" But I'll focus on what I liked,so here is what I really enjoyed.The show was broadcasted live on youtube,which was a big plus.I attended only the show in the first evening and in the second watched from my comfortable sofa.

The first collection was by Aly Fawaz from Dubai

One of my fav collection by Victoria Sava from my country - Moldova

Addy Van Den Krommenaker - designer of dutch royalty and celebs like Tyra Banks and Courtney Love.His collection was absolutely stunning!

La Fress - brand from Ukraine

Daniel Robu - Italy

That's all! Stay tuned for the second part,also have you noticed that now you can acces my blog just like this: fashionshores.com It was about time to make the change.
Hope you have a sunny week,
Vicky xx

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  1. Lovely impressions!


  2. Hello from Spain: great fashion show. Nice proposals.. Keep in touch .
