
Mereu ne cuprinde dilema: "Ce să purtăm de sărbători?" Căci "Ce să port azi?" e deja o problema mai mică, eternă a femeilor.Astăzi încerc să vă ajut un pic.Recent am descoperit magazin-ul online Sherry London care este extrem de variat și vine cu o mulțime de outfit-uri perfecte pentru zilele festive.

If the problem "What to wear today?" is big then what to wear for New Year's eve is bigger.Today I'll help you a bit.Recently been browsing a lovely shop called Sherry London with so many beautiful choices.I'll try to come up with some advices or maybe comments about every outfit.So,let's go!

1.HERE - A little bit fancy but the color is just perfect.You don't even need a necklace,agree?
2.HERE - Simple yet so elegant.Sparky with sequins,just perfect for New Year's eve.
3.HERE - Not your typical outfit for holidays but surely an eyecatcher 

4.HERE - A dress a la Balmain.I'd totally go for it!
5.HERE - Little black dress with a sexy-daring cut.Isn't special?
6.HERE - An easy-breezy dress with summerish vibe.Totally different but so feminine and chic!

7.HERE - Totally white,like a Christmas angel.
8.HERE - A bodycon dress with green vibe.Those ornaments are insanely pretty.
9.HERE - Again back to sequins,maybe the best choice for New Year's eve.

Acestea sunt doar câteva rochii din mulțimea pe care au,sunt cele care mi-au făcut cu ochiul mai mult.Desigur,sunt un piculeț scumpe,dar fiecare rochie este concepută și cusută manual de o echipă incredibilă de profesioniști din Marea Britanie.Iar calitatea e ireproșabilă,dat fiind faptul că e British.

Of course these are only some of my favs but the shop is bloody full of incredible dresses.I admit,they're a bit expensive,but are british quality and moreover,every dress is handmade by a proffesional team.
Are you ready for holidays?
Much love, Vicky xx

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This post is a collaboration with Sherry London*

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